Losing weight isn't easy, of course, but The Mayo Clinic Diabetes Diet is a different type of weight-loss program. Adapted from the #1 New York Times bestselling book, The Mayo Clinic Diet, this diabetes diet plan is a whole-lifestyle approach specifically designed to help you lose weight--and keep it off.
This book will help you change your mindset around weight loss by teaching you five healthy habits for weight loss success, five habits to kick to help you transition into a healthy lifestyle, and five bonus habits to make the weight loss process as pain free as possible. The Mayo Clinic Diabetes Diet follows Mayo Clinic's scientifically proven method for weight loss by introducing a two-step program.<p><b>Donald D. Hensrud, M.D., M.P.H., </b> is a specialist in nutrition and weight management at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. He is an associate professor of nutrition and preventive medicine at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and the medical director of the Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program. For more than 10 years, Dr. Hensrud also served as medical director of the Mayo Clinic Executive Health Program. He writes and lectures widely on lifestyle- and nutrition-related topics and has authored and helped publish several books, including two award-winning cookbooks. </p>