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It Was a Very Good Year: Extraordinary Moments in Stock Market History
Fridson, Martin S.

It Was a Very Good Year: Extraordinary Moments in Stock Market History


Fridson, Martin S.
编辑推荐 | Editors' Choice
Bisweilen schie en die Finanzm盲rkte entgegen allen Erwartungen in die H枚he und verschaffen den Investoren so 眉berdurchschnittlich hohe Renditen von 35% und mehr in einem einzigen Jahr. Einmal ist es der Aktienmarkt, dann der Rentenmarkt oder der Immobilienmarkt. Dies ist das erste Buch, das den Versuch unternimmt, zu erkl盲ren, warum bestimmte Investitionen zu verschiedenen Zeiten in die H枚he geschnellt sind, damit Investoren 盲hnliche Trends in Zukunft rechtzeitig erkennen k枚nnen. Jedes Kapitel vermittelt dem Leser einen echten Einblick in die Ereignisse der 10 besten Hausse-Jahre des vergangenen Jahrhunderts. Unterhaltsam und fesselnd geschrieben, gespickt mit zahlreichen historischen Anekdoten und schillernden Pers枚nlichkeiten aus der jeweiligen Zeit, ist dieses Buch eine willkommene Lekt眉re nicht nur f眉r Investoren, Finanzexperten, Journalisten und Studenten der Finanz- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, sondern ebenso f眉r Interessierte Laien. (01/98)
前言 | Preface

<p><strong>MARTIN S. FRIDSON</strong> is a Managing Director at Merrill Lynch & Company, and a member of Institutional Investor's All-America Research Team. He is the author of <em>Investment Illusions</em> and <em>Financial Statement Analysis</em>, both published by Wiley, and serves on the editorial board of <em>Financial Analysts Journal</em>.</p>

产品详情 | Detail
What, if anything, do the most spectacular, high-performance periods of the twentieth-century stock market have in common? And most importantly: Can we predict when they will occur again?

In this fascinating investigation, acclaimed author and financial authority Martin S. Fridson probes the past, leading an exhilarating tour through each of the twentieth-century stock market's golden years. Illuminating, entertaining, and rich in historical anecdotes, Fridson's book treats us to the opinions and investment strategies of some of the most prominent and intriguing figures on the scene.

"Timely, informative, and highly readable . . . It Was a Very Good Year offers wonderful insights into the years that provided spectacular gains in the past. There are important lessons in this book for all investors."-Henry Kaufman, President, Henry Kaufman & Company, Inc.

"A useful and extremely entertaining book. It's loaded with fascinating stock market lore and helpful investment approaches. I learned a lot and thoroughly enjoyed myself along the way."-Byron R. Wien, Managing Director, Investment Strategist for U.S. Equities, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter

"Financial history with a purpose-it is a Very Good Book."-James Grant, Editor, Grant's Interest Rate Observer

"With this book, Marty Fridson joins the ranks of the must-read economic and financial historians. He is that rare combination of scholar, wit, raconteur, and man with an eye on the bottom line. Read it for amusement, education, or profit. You can't lose."-Ben Stein, writer, law professor at Pepperdine University and host of Win Ben Stein's Money